
Tourism center of Primorsky Region

The Tourist Information Center is an autonomous non-commercial organization that was founded to create a unified information zone about the tourist resources and routes of the Primorsky region.

The Tourist Information Center provides consultations and information about cultural heritage sites, natural landmarks, tourist routes, transport services, accommodations, cultural and sports events in Vladivostok and the Primorsky region.

In addition to providing information, the Tourist Information Center aims to promote the Primorsky Territory on inbound and outbound tourist markets. This includes organizing forums, round tables, seminars, expos, and presentations, providing assistance in preparing projects for the promotion of inbound tourism, and promoting a positive image and reputation for the Primorsky region.

The Tourist Information Center is located:

in Vladivostok at 1 Nizhneportovaya Street, Office 129

in Vladivostok at 1a Korabelnaya naberezgnaya, VladGifts shop

in Artem at Vladimira Saybelya street, International Airport of Vladivostok, 1st floor

tel. 7 (423) 240-71-21 

